Afzal Subhani’s Art


About the artist

When I was very young, I used to ask my mother to draw me the car my dad owned "The Beetle"

One day she had enough of my pestering, and told me to draw it yourself. That was the beginning of my work as an artist.

It was not a big surprise that I could draw, since most of my maternal cousins can draw beautifully! My mother could draw,my uncle Mr. Ahed became one of the most respected artists of Pakistan and abroad. All my first cousins are extremely gifted in art. Now I see the talent in my son as well.

My passion for painting has always been there, but now it seems I am able to put more time to it.

My subjects are varied. I draw or paint what ever inspires me. It could be a boat, or a face. Still life or a jaguar,

I also indulge in cartoons and abstract work, I have done some stories with illustrations as well.

I mainly use Watercolors as my medium, Acrylic has also become very expressive for me.

Please click here to see my uncle 
Mr.M.A. Ahed’s one sample workArt_of_M_A_Ahed.html
Click here to see my brother 
Amjad Subhani’s few samplesArt_of_Amjad_Subhani.html

Contact: Afzal :  tel: 416 691 8989 email:

Afzal in his studio